Reasons I would refuse a puppy from a breed

This one is going to upset a few people, possibly.

Below are reasons that I wouldn't take a puppy home and would move on to a new litter / breeder.

Australian Shepherd litter of puppies

I can hand on heart say I would follow these rules when acquiring a new dog. 

  • Either of the parents are barking at me

  • Either of the parents seem fearful of me

  • The puppy has been reared in a shed, yard, barn, farm - Evidence to suggest the puppy has not been exposed to a human house in any meaningful way

  • It's "the last puppy left" and you have not been able to track the litter leading up to this

  • I’m not allowed to see the parents or the rest of the litter

  • The puppy has an illness

  • The breeder isn't communicating with me, and I've not met them more than once

  • The breeder is not interested in me at all and is happy for me to have the puppy without knowing anything about me

  • Puppy is being shipped from another country

  • The cost is extortionately over market rate

  • If from a professional breeder I would want to see health testing and the breeder’s knowledge of the breed’s genetical conditions, plus a contract with a take back policy. I would also like to hear the breeder’s knowledge of the sire’s temperament.

  • If it's a litter from a family I would want to see the vet history of the dam and sire if possible. A "pedigree" sire doesn't particularly mean jackshit if you haven't met him / seen his vet history / had assurances about his temperament. In fact, I would prefer the father is from a family home where I can meet him and see his vet history.

  • The breeder tries to switch the puppy at the last minute and give you a different dog. (I had this with a kitten breeder and walked away because of that behaviour and waited another year for the right breeder)

Cute puppy Yorkshire Terrier


This animal is with you for 10 to 15 years! Take your time.

If I were not happy with any of the above, I would move on to a different breeder and would wait as long as it takes to find a breeder I am happy with, even if it takes another year.

It's your responsibility to not take home a broken puppy and not support puppy farms or irresponsible breeders who do not know what they are doing.

Hope this is helpful.

Call me for a free and honest chat that will get you and your puppy on the right path.

Paul Lasky

Professional Force-Free dog trainer in Essex. Providing 121 puppy development plans and bespoke 121 dog training, behaviour and reactive rehabilitation packages.


FIDO COME!!!!! That's a lot of pressure on one word!


Reactivity Training is a long-term skill